Notifications are sent home by email or text. If you have not already advised the school of your email address, please email so that your address can be added to your child’s enrolment record. Please remember to advise of any changes to your email address during the course of your child’s enrolment.
Student Reception is in the main office. If students need help with anything while at school, this is the place to go. If students come to school late or need to leave early, they must always sign in or out. Other reasons students need to visit Student Reception, or Student Office include payments for activities (if not able to use Qkr!); copy of timetable; help finding a class; to drop off a note from home regarding absences; report lost property, or general enquiries.
Qkr!™ (pronounced 'quicker') is a mobile payments platform that enables consumers to order and pay for goods & services directly from their smart device. Qkr accepts all major credit and debit cards and consumers can register more than one card. Qkr enables parents and guardians to order and pay for lunches online before 8.45am for their children directly from their phone or computer. Parents can also use this app to order and pay for uniform items online. These will then be packed by staff ready for collection from our school office.
We publish our newsletter every second week of the school year. Our newsletter is called the Prospector, and it acknowledges all the great things we do each week and is packed with photographs. We also celebrate the achievements of students in each grade through a column known as ‘Working Wonders’. The Prospector is published via email to all main parents. It is also published on our Facebook page.
The Administration office is open from 8.00am to 4.00pm.
The phone line for student absences is 6344 4744. This is a recorded message service overnight, and if all lines are busy. Please speak clearly.
The KARINYA magazine is a special record of significant school events and is distributed to students in the last week of school. Orders can be taken throughout the year, with orders closing mid-November.
While at Prospect High School students are the responsibility of the school. All communication between parents and guardian and students, during school hours, must occur through the school office.
PROSPECT HIGH SCHOOL has a duty of care for all students while they are at school. All communication between parents/carers and students, during school hours, must occur through the school office.
Non-compliance with this policy
• Non-compliance with this policy will be managed in accordance with the school’s Respectful Student Behaviour Policy.
• Students who do not comply with this policy may have their mobile phone confiscated and held at the school administration office for a period or days. The phone/device/earphones will be stored in a sealed plastic bag in the office. Students will show their ID card and collect their phone/device/earphones from the office at the end of each day.
• There will be regular notes on the daily news sheet and TV screens to remind students to leave their phones/electronic devices/earphones in their lockers during the day.
There are times when a parent and guardian may want to discuss a matter with a teacher or school leader and vice versa. Please note that the best way to do this is through a pre-arranged meeting. This enables the staff member concerned to gather any relevant information and helps to ensure a suitable amount of time is devoted to the conversation. Teachers have classes to teach, yard duty and other responsibilities which they are required to attend to, and therefore, are not always able to take phone calls or meet with parents and guardians ‘on call’. It would be appreciated if you could arrange appointments via the main office and this should ensure that the matter is attended to in a timely manner.
There are also formal parent teacher meetings held in Term 1 after the interim reports are sent home, and also at the end of Term 2 after mid-year reports are sent home. We value open, regular and respectful communication with parents and guardians.
• Reporting takes place three times per year: Term 1 interim report, mid-year report, and end of year report.
• Parent/Teacher meetings are usually held during Term1 and mid-year. However, please contact your child’s teacher if you have any concerns outside of these times.
For further information please see our information handbook:
Prospect High School will recognise outstanding achievements of past students, through the nomination and approval of candidates to the Prospect High School Walls of Fame. It is the mission of the Walls of Fame selection committee to induct deserving nominees as outlined in the selection criteria. Recipients of this award will be acknowledged at a formal presentation assembly and will have their photo placed in the Prospect High School Gymnasium.