Students whose parent(s) hold a Government concession card (Pensioner Concession Card, Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card or Health Care Card) may be eligible for a bus pass enabling them free travel to and from school on the Metro Bus Service.

(click on Passenger Information and Transport Forms, then Student Bus Pass for Free Travel,  or paper applications can be obtained from Service Tasmania, Launceston or Metro offices.  For further information, telephone 1300 851 225.

Catching Bus to Home

Bus zone

At the end of the school day, students are to move to the area outside the gym to await their bus.  Duty teachers are always there to show students where to wait for their bus.

Please note bus times sometimes change - please call the bus companies to confirm bus route and times.

Morning Buses

Metro City Buses     (Metro Bus 6336 5888)

  • Time 7:52 am, Route No: 161          

Depart -    Blackstone Heights, Panorama Road past Pitcher Pde

Route:       Panorama Rd past Pitcher Pde, Bayview Drive, Blackstone Rd before Panorama Road, Prospect Marketplace, St Patricks College, Ralph St to Prospect High, arriving at 8.09am.

  • Time 8:12 am, Route No: 835

Depart -    Launceston College in Brisbane Street, then via City Stop A1 at 8.16am

Route:       Charles St, Mulgrave St past Howick, Meredith Cres, Normanstone Road to Prospect High, arriving at 8.30am.

  • Time 8:10 am, Route No: 165          

Depart      Stop A – Launceston City, St John Street

Route:       West Launceston, Granville St, Brougham Street, Summerdale Primary, Peel Street/Stanley Street, Hardwicke Street, Willow Lane, Prospect Marketplace, St Patricks College, to Prospect High School, arriving at 8.40am.

Westbury Bus (Westbus - 6427 7626)

  • Time 7:45 am                        

Depart      Festival Supermarket Westbury – Two buses

Route:       Pick up Police Station, Old Chocolate shop, travelling the Meander Valley Highway picking up students where necessary, pick up students from Selbourne/Rosevale area at Entally House.

Rosevale Bus  (Westbus - 6427 7626)

  • Time 7:35 am            

Route:       Departs Selbourne Hall and pick up students along the roadside anywhere between Rosevale and Entally House. Meet the Westbury bus and change over.

Whitemore Bus                  (Alan Wesley - 6393 7650)     

  • Time 7:40 am

Route:       Hagley Station Road, Adelphi Road, Whitemore Road, Oaks Road, Carrick, Liffey Street – BS - 8.07am

Longford Bus                         (Philip Loones 6391 1027)

  • Time 7:55 am

Route: Longford – Show Grounds, Antique Shop and Pateena Road stopping where necessary – arrives at  Prospect High School at 8.25am

Hadspen Bus (Redline - 6336 1400)     

  • Time 8:05 am

Route:       Hadspen Caravan Park, Foote Street to Prospect High School – arrival 8:20am

Afternoon Buses 

Westbury Bus (Westbus - 6427 7626)

  • Time 3:30 pm

Route: travelling the Meander Valley Highway via Selbourne and Rosevale, dropping students along the way, Old Chocolate shop, Police Station and Festival Supermarket.

Metro City Buses:

  • Time 3:10 pm, Route No: 834

Route: Summerdale Primary, Stanley St, West Launceston, Granville St/Brougham Street, Launceston City

  • Time 3:15 pm, Route No: 852 Collects students from St Pats and Prospect

Route: via Prospect High, then via St Patricks College, Westbury and Normanstone Roads, Meredith Cres, Mulgrave Street, Howick Street, Charles and St Johns Street

Hagley bus

  • Time 3:32 pm

Route: Liffey Street, Carrick, Oaks Road, Whitemore Road, Adelphi Road, Hagley Station Road.

Blackstone bus

  • Time 3:26pm, route No: 856 (Collects students from St Pats and Prospect)

Hadspen Bus (Redline - 6336 1400)

  • Time 3:10 pm

Redline Bus to Hadspen

Longford Bus (Philip Loones 6391 1027)

  • Time 3:15 pm

 Route: Longford via Pateena Road


Parent drop off and pick up zones 

drop off zones

These safety procedures are designed to ensure students are safe and do not walk through traffic.

Zone 1 – Drop off and pick up only
Cars are not to wait in this zone. This will allow traffic to continue to flow.

Zone 2 – Drop off, pick up, waiting

Zone 3 – Waiting only

  • Cars are not allowed to drop off or pick up in Zone 3, because Zone 3 is not next to the footpath where students enter the school.
  • Parents/guardians will need to move from Zone 3 to vacant spots in Zone 1 or Zone 2 when dropping off or picking up students.
  • Students can signal or text parents when they are on the footpath at a vacant spot in Zone 1 or Zone 2 ready to be picked up at the end of the day.