At Prospect High School we have a dedicated First Aid Officer, along with many other staff who hold First Aid qualifications. Students are to come to Student Services if they receive a minor injury, and our First Aid Officer will be notified and provide the assistance required. Major injuries are reported to the office and the First Aid Officer will go to the student. Parents will be notified as required. It is important the school is informed of any medical conditions that a student has. A medical action plan must be provided or renewed at the beginning of each year. Please note: our First Aid Officer is NOT a nurse and will provide the best care as a first responder.

Injury or Illness at school

It is recommended that students do not come to school if they are ill. If ill at school, students should report to the Student Office where a First Aid Officer will contact their parent/guardian as required.

Students are not to call parents directly.

Parents of students who are required to take medication at school must supply the school with an authority to dispense medication. This will be kept by the First Aid Officer, who will issue the medication as prescribed.


Nut Aware

Prospect High School has students enrolled who have a severe allergy to nuts, especially peanuts. If these students come into contact with peanuts, or any food products that contain nuts, they may suffer a severe anaphylactic shock, during which breathing may cease. A peanut butter sandwich in the same room may be enough to start this reaction.

We therefore request, that all students do not bring peanut butter sandwiches or any items that contain nuts to school. In most cases the labels on foods will indicate the presence of nuts.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated.