At Prospect High School, we require students to wear school uniform as described by the school Dress Code and Uniform Policy.  The full policy is available on request from the school.

Purpose of School Uniform

We require students to wear school uniform for the following reasons:

1. Sense of Belonging

When students are dressed in school uniform, they all have a sense of belonging to the Prospect High School community.

2. Safety

It is easy to identify young people, who should not be on the school grounds, if the Prospect students are in full school uniform.

3. Judgements About Our School

We present a positive image to the wider community if all our students are in school uniform and people are more likely to make positive judgements about our school and our students.

4. Social Equalisation

Students are not judged on the basis of what they are wearing if all students are in school uniform. Having all students in school uniform sends a strong message that we value all students equally.

5. Preparing for Expectations in the World of Work

Many workplaces have a uniform and most workplaces have a dress code, so we are preparing students for the world of work by asking them to be in the habit of wearing a uniform at school.

Financial Assistance for Parents - There are some families who have legitimate difficulty in affording a school uniform and we endeavour to support these families.  Support can be accessed via the Social Worker, including certain bursaries that become available at times.

Health and Physical Education – A full change of appropriate clothes is required – track pants/shorts, t-shirt, jumper, sandshoes and socks.  School black shorts and polo shirt can be worn. The house coloured polo top is preferred. 

Uniform Items:

  • School polo shirt with logo
  • School grey shirt with school tie - optional
  • School rugby top with logo
  • School woollen jumper with logo
  • School spray or soft-shell jacket
  • School summer dress
  • School tartan winter skirt
    (black stockings may be worn under the skirt)
  • Black track pants
    (without stripe, beading or logo)
  • Grey shorts (i.e cargo or walk shorts)
  • Grey trousers
  • Black shorts (without stripe, beading or logo and mid-thigh length required)
  • Black shoes
  • White socks (without stripes or brand names)
  • School scarf (optional)
  • School backpack (optional)

 Please note that students elected to the Student Leadership Board (SLB) have specific uniform requirements in addition to these expectations (e.g. a blazer).


Purchasing uniform can be done via the Qkr! App or via our school office during office hours 8am-4pm.  Please contact the office prior to arriving to book in a time.